Tell a friend!

Tell a friend!

Tell a friend!

Put us in touch with a company you know and earn rewards.

Put us in touch with a company you know and earn rewards.

Fleeti's team
Fleeti's team
Fleeti's team

Spread the word! If a colleague, friend or partner joins Fleeti thanks to you, we'll thank you with a reward of up to €500*!

*See general conditions here

  1. Share Fleeti with a friend

You complete the referral form to share your contact information with us so that they can discover Fleeti.

  1. Your friend becomes a Fleeti customer

Once our teams have made contact with you, we will evaluate the benefits of working together with the person you have recommended, who may then decide to subscribe to our offers.

  1. You get a fuel card reward

Once you've met the subscription conditions, you'll receive a fuel gift card worth up to €500*.

*Or equivalent in local currency

What you need to know before taking part:

  • People who have already subscribed to Fleeti cannot be recommended.

  • You can't recommend yourself.

  • By completing this form, you certify that you have obtained your friend's consent to share his/her information with Fleeti.

  • The amount of the premium depends on the subscriptions made by your friend with Fleeti, as described in the General Terms and Conditions of the Recommendations.

  • Rewards are awarded after a period described in the CGR.

  • You can consult these Conditions by clicking here.


How do I recommend a friend/company?

What are the rewards?

Am I limited in the number of recommendations?

My referral has signed with Fleeti! How can I get my reward?

How much can I earn by recommending someone?

Is there a minimum number of vehicles to qualify for the reward?

How do I recommend a friend/company?

What are the rewards?

Am I limited in the number of recommendations?

My referral has signed with Fleeti! How can I get my reward?

How much can I earn by recommending someone?

Is there a minimum number of vehicles to qualify for the reward?

How do I recommend a friend/company?

What are the rewards?

Am I limited in the number of recommendations?

My referral has signed with Fleeti! How can I get my reward?

How much can I earn by recommending someone?

Is there a minimum number of vehicles to qualify for the reward?

Putting IoT at the service of African and European companies' operations.

Putting IoT at the service of African and European companies' operations.

2023 Fleeti SAS

Putting IoT at the service of African and European companies' operations.